Selma Karaca - Selma Karaca I Your Proffesional Coach

I’ve been looking at the world with curios eyes since the day I was born…

Curiosity has opened the doors for me to expand and ask questions on my journey to self-discovery.

I was always interested in other cultures, languages and human behavior. Whenever I had the chance, I tried to talk to tourist when I was little. It made me so happy to connect with them even it was with a couple of words, that I knew. As a matter of fact, my curiosity about discovering human beings and myself led me to a boarding School; Istanbul Science High School. Being away from home helped me get to know myself and also improve myself in life. Afterwards studying at Istanbul Technical University as Electronics and Communication Engineer opened up new perspectives and topics for me. Circuit Design and Electromagnetic Fields were the most attracting classes. As soon as I graduated, I had the opportunity to realize my dream to learn about other cultures by moving to Germany for my masters’ degree. When I finished my masters’ degree, I decided to stay in Germany longer to experience work life and also to learn about new technologies. During my stay, I worked for many different technology companies from different origins; Canadian, American, German and Japanese. As I received a job offer from Microsoft Turkey, I was very excited to return back to Turkey after seven years.

Microsoft was a great school for me to get to know myself, improve myself on many different aspects and helped me feel content by reaching the targets that I set for myself at my early days. Life is offering endless opportunities; one has many desires to achieve, especially if the proving oneself is the driver behind this! Never ending tasks, continued worries such as “I need to finish this, shouldn’t forget that” has increased a doubt on meaning of life I was living. When that raised a series of thoughts and questions “is this why I was born for?”, “Who am I, what am I doing here?” it was around 2009. I decided to work with a mentor at the company. That gave me a broader perspective of the impact I was creating with my work; however, I wasn’t really satisfied with that. This though motivated to search for a life that is more suited for me. As a result, I moved to a new role moving from Turkey Operations to Middleast and Africa region. And this change has enabled me to gain different views and helped me create the space and time to listen to my inner wisdom.   

More than 10 years, I was responsible for adapting and expanding new technologies and business development efforts through marketing roles first in Turkey then in Middleast and Africa region covering more than 80 countries. The success of the work we have done together with corporation center and in the region has been acknowledged worldwide, hence brought many international and regional awards. So, I became “successful” as I desired.

In 2011 I wanted to improve my life and instead of waiting for company to reward me I decided to reward myself with a personal coach. This process has helped me have a better idea of myself and start to discover what really interests me. Since then my paths crossed with many people who helped me on this discovery journey; such as philosophy, Sufism, painting, healing work… Meeting many guides and teachers empowered me to activate my own inner guide and learn to become more compassionate to myself.

In my last position I returned back to Turkey Operations. I took the role of Cloud and Enterprise Marketing Director Role. During this phase of my life, it became clearer to me that I am ready for a different life. Therefore, I have graduated myself from this school of corporate life.

I have always been fascinated by the science, especially mathematics, physics, chemistry, human anatomy, how brain and mind are operating, neuroscience, psychology, colors, sky, nature most importantly; how all interrelated to one another and many many more… All this fills me with life energy and desire to discover more.

Now I am here to guide the ones who wants to discover themselves through the learnings from my own journey to empower them to lit the light inside them with love and passion. My approach is based on the NLP and the science of Erickson coaching, enhanced with Expressive arts, psychology, Positive intelligence, Yinyoga, body work and many more trainings I had from international schools. I stand on the solid basis of the knowledge, science as well as compassion focusing on HERE and NOW helping others help themselves with sincere care.

My Coaching Journey:

I am a Professional Coach, focused on Team Coaching, Executive Coaching, Career Coaching. I take seriously what I do and also enjoy it. I am passionate about creating special Trainings and Developing Solutions for Leaders and Organizations using Systemic Integral view. I am found of working with people who are working on technology and working at technology companies. I believe my learnings from my experience across many countries and cultures through different size of technology companies can help you the most.

  • ICF International Coach Federation Certified- ACC (Associate Certified Coach)
  • Jungian Coaching School by Avi Goren Bar- Student
  • EYP- Embodied Yoga Principles Coaching by Mark Walsh – Student
  • Erickson International Coaching School ACTP
  • Erickson International School Coach Mastery- Module V
  • Erickson International School “The Art and Science of Coaching” Module I-IV
  • Erickson High Performance Team Coaching
  • Erickson 4 Quadrant Quantum Thinking (Problem Solving) by Dr. Peter Stefanyi
  • Spiral Dynamics Integral Level1 by ValueMatch/ Don Beck
  • Spiral Dynamics Integral Level 2- Practitioner by ValueMatch/ Don Beck
  • Expressive Arts Coaching and Therapy by Avi Goren Bar
  • PQ- Positive Intelligence by Shirzad Chamine
  • PoU Point of You Level 1 Explorer
  • PoU Point of You Level 2 Practitioner
  • Şeyla Sonsino “The Self Journey- Chakra Systems”
  • Şeyla Sonsino “Yaşantı Eğitimleri- The Maps of Life”
  • Story Telling by Judith Malika Lieberman
  • Philosophy for Community and Children Level 1 (P4C)
  • Cihangir Yoga YinYoga RSA200 Instructor, Berivan Aslan Sungur

If you are interested, let’s explore together!